What we’re looking for in a brand ambassador?
- Someone who has a strong social media presence and is currently active on your preferred social media site. (Preferably a minimum of 1,000 followers with some exceptions.)
- Shows love and loyalty to our brand and what we stand for.
- Is willing to post a minimum of 2 clear and tagged pictures/videos showcasing one or more of our products per month to help promote our brand. (Tag @thedeathstudio on Instagram.)
- Will not abuse the use of any and all discount codes/promotions/free merchandise/etc.
- Understand that we reserve the right, without notice, to terminate any and all agreements and cancel any codes we find to have been abused. (Just don't be greedy.)
What do I get?
- Occasional free merch to help with special promotions and launches.
- A 10% off discount code (of your choosing) for your followers to use at www.thedeathstudio.com.
- Commission based off of the amount your discount code was used.
- A 30% off discount code for you and your immediate family members.
- Chance to have your tagged photos featured on any of our social media and website.
How do I apply?
Send an email to [email protected] and just tell me why you would like to become a part of The Death Studio crew. Make sure to include your social media handle to be considered.
As of right now there are limited spots available, but don't give up and still send over your request. We'll be looking for some more awesome people to rep our brand in the near future!